Have you seen Bing? It's a newish CBeebies cartoon featuring a young rabbit named Bing who lives with a little stuffed animal thing named Flop who isn't his dad, but does sleep in the same bed as him. In fact, all of the 'children' are anthropomorphic animals and all of the 'adults' are stuffed toys. It's pretty weird.
Now, when it comes to Cbeebies, I was surprised at how tolerant of it all I am, as I figured I'd find it all insufferable nonsense. As it turns out, I like the shows that teach the young viewers something (Something Special is ET's favourite, Andy's Dinosaur Adventures or that Show me Show me one are also pretty good); I like the shows that are fun whilst also having good morals (I'm particularly fond of both Timmy Time and Octonauts, because what's not to like about deep sea adventures featuring a cat with an eyepatch?). I dislike the shows that are just gibberish nonsense (In the Night Garden, Abney and Teal, Waybaloo) because I don't think they teach ET anything and I worry they'll actually make him dumber by watching them.
The Octonauts. Real heroes. |
But the show I hate above all others is Bing.
Bing is animated. Bing has all sorts of incidental details that make its world feel more believable, even down to the plug sockets, which I usually love in animation. Bing has stories that mostly make sense and have a moral to them. ET loves Bing. So why do I hate it?
Because Bing is a whiny, petulant little shit.
Being an annoying little shit. It's a Bing thing. |
Most of the episodes revolve around Bing discovering something new, being a selfish brat about it, ruining said thing for everyone, whining about it, then learning his lesson. The episode then wraps up by telling you this all over again, only in about 30 seconds (why couldn't the whole episode be this long?). Flop then says "(whatever the story was about)...it's a Bing thing". So if the story was about, I dunno, dog poo (I swear I saw an episode about dog poo once), Flop would go 'Dog poo...it's a Bing thing'. Like Bing owns the monopoly on dog turds? He's a greedy punk.
"Bitch, I know you didn't just eat my goddamn cake!" |
In one episode, Bing discovers a butterfly. He is told to be gentle with it. He is told to share it with the other children. So what does Bing do? He kills it. He crushes it in his hand and kills it. Admittedly he does this accidentally because not only is he selfish, whiny, petulant, greedy and annoying, but he's also clumsy. His odd stuffed toy carer Flop then explains death to Bing. Now, it is an eventuality of life that you will, at some point, be introduced to death. I don't really think a cartoon for very young children on CBeebies is the right place to do this. Surely ET could have gone a few more years without having to learn of his own mortality and the frailty of all life? It definitely shouldn't have been introduced to him by a bloody cartoon rabbit so cack-handed that he brutally destroyed a beautiful, innocent butterfly, once again ruining everyone's day.
Cold blooded murder. It's a Bing thing. |
In another episode, Bing 'accidentally' steals something from the local shop. Honestly, I reckon he's just a deviant tiny criminal and should be sent away for the remainder of his days.
Also, one character, a baby panda named Pando (imaginative), walks round in a nappy all the time. WHY IS THIS CHILD NOT WEARING TROUSERS? SOMEONE CALL SOCIAL SERVICES! I reckon Bing steals and hides them. He looks like a bully.
You're next, frog! |
So yes. I hate Bing. I wish I could say it was just because I thought it teaches kids bad behaviour and animal cruelty but, really, it's just because I personally think it's bloody awful and I cringe every time ET asks to watch it.
Inexplicable hatred of a cartoon rabbit. It's a daddy thing. |
Haha! I do have to agree that he's whiny and I pointed out to my husband the other day that flop doesn't half faff around with him. The amount of 1 on 1 time is absurd, at what point is flop trying to do the hoovering or ironing a basket of clothes?
ReplyDeleteAlthough my youngest love it (he's nearly 2) and it keeps him very entertained, I do love his voice though and he is pretty cute but I think the whole sentiment of the adult/kid sizes are based on how children perceive themselves - I swear I read it somewhere and I thought 'makes sense.. kids think the whole world revolve around them' haha!
Imogene x
Hi Imogene
DeleteI'd not heard that but it does sound about right given how self-centred he is! ET loves Bing so I don't mind putting it on for him, but I'm much happier when he asks for Octonauts! ;)
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
Flop's voice is no longer Mark Rylance but has been replaced by David Threlfall. In a press release Ceebeebies have admitted that Flop is not Bing's parent but is actually a retired Physics teacher on the run from the FBI for the manufacture and supply of crystal meth. The BBC commissioned his own spinoff series called "Breaking Bing" but cancelled after being threatened by Mafia boss Brenda the Blender (former wife of Carlos the Jackal) with legal action for defamation.
DeleteI'm so happy that I'm not the only one hates that big eared annoying Shit. Where are the parents? What age does bing mature and become sexually active? Will he be like real rabbit and bang the Shit out of anything that moves? Has Bing never noticed he's bigger than flop and he could beat him up?
ReplyDeleteWhen a rabbit becomes sexually active, if you've put it in with a guinne pig the rabbit would bum it in to next week. So would Bing try and bum flop because he's a small sack of shit.(I'm calling flop this because I don't know what he's supposed to be) these are burning questions and I'm desperate for answers. Please help
Hilarious reply! 😂
Delete...really this is what you come up with
DeleteI think you've got some details wrong. I've only seen the first 53 episodes, but I've seen all of them many times (translated to Swedish but still). I don't see any evidence Flop sleeps in the same bed as Bing for example. He's in his bed when reading a bedtime story, that's all.
ReplyDeleteHere's my take on the show, I hope you can see it with new eyes after reading my hypothesis on what it's actually about: https://medium.com/@boxed/overanalyzing-kids-shows-bing-5a9711a6d2be?source=linkShare-8ad86cc82e5f-1502728965
Great post. I totally hate him, he’s such a pathetic whinging brat. Pando is great. He’s cheeky, resilient and doesn’t fucking moan and whine all the time. He’s also capable of doing simple tasks without Fucking them up. Not only is bing a whinging little wimp, he is also an utterly incapable moron. Simple tasks are beyond him. Glad to know it’s not just me that despises that pathetic rabbit
ReplyDeletei thought people here are adults? why are we complaining about a cartoon character?
DeleteI SOOOOOOOO agree and laughed my arse off at this. My partner and I hate Bing, he’s just a spoilt little shit, can’t stand him. If he was my kid, Jesus he’d be learning a harsh fucking lesson by now. That flop has got a shit load of patience!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to read this....becoming g obsessed with hating him...was .getting worried about myself
DeleteThank you!! Have just sat and googled Bing is a shit and am so happy to have found other parents that agree. He's a selfish Brat of a character. Kids do seem to love him though. At least it's only on for like 10 minutes.
ReplyDeleteI was just Googling why do bing wine so much lol. Glad I'm not the only one.
ReplyDeleteHe is a little shit that think if he killed flop he’d get away with it no consequences to his actions just flop clean up his mess shit show
ReplyDeletebut..wouldnt he be dead?
DeleteFrom beyond the grave 😂
DeleteGetting away with murder...it's a Bing thing
I detest it. He breaks other people’s shit and then the moral is that it’s ok as he make a a new, shit game of the broken thing. My solace is in that I fantisise that it is a complex Truman Show style set up where Flop and the others clock off when he is in bed o lay to go to the pub and complain how needy and irritating the little bastard is.
ReplyDeleteI'm here because I literally just Googled, 'I hate Bing'. My son is addicted to it. Literally every episode he is told not to do something, does said forbidden thing immediately, fucks everything up, and Flop DOESN'T EVEN YELL AT HIM. YELL AT HIM, FLOP, HE'S AN ARSEHOLE. If Bing accidentally shot Pando in the face, I truly believe Flop would say, 'Oh, Bing. You've shot Pando. His brains are on the wall now, Bing Bunny'. 'Put the brains back in, Flop!', 'I can't, Bing.' Then BING would probably burst into tears, piss himself (like he does in every other episode), and it would wrap with, 'shooting people. It's a Bing Thing' as they dance round Pando's lifeless body. Bing is clearly the most annoying, spoilt, self-centred whiny little bastard on Cbeebies. He reminds me of that one child at the birthday party that everybody hates, including the parents. Thanks for this cathartic opportunity. Peace.
ReplyDeleteim laughing so hard right now XD
DeleteHis had me in tears 🤣
Delete😂 This made me actually laugh out loud. Also here after googling ‘Bing spoilt brat’.
DeleteI knew I had watched too much when Sula came over with her face painted and I knew - I just KNEW - Bing wouldn’t be able to bring himself to congratulate her on her lovely painted face but instead launch straight into ‘I want my face painted, Flop’. Brat
The other thing that bothers me is that Bing doesn't speak well. He mispronounces words and uses incorrect grammar.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my biggest issues. It's teaching kids to say this wrong.
DeleteLike it scarded me or I catched it.
He's such an annoying little twat. Cbeebies only have about 8 episodes so you see the same shit stories repeated over and over again, in a double slot.
ReplyDeleteI types 'parents hate' into Google and bing came 4th. Ahead of all sorts of things? Parents hate bing more than cot death or paedophiles apparently. Not really a surprise. Whingy little twat.
Hate from all parents... It's a bing thing
I feel saddened for the hate towards Bing....Bing teaches toddlers/pre-school children action and consequence to which they have no knowledge and no pre thought ...unlike seasoned humans like us....we all learn by making mistakes. as with all toddlers/pre-schoolers the world revolves around them...which makes me think this is why Bing and co are all shown larger than those caring for them...which brings me to the carers.... what if you didn't have a mum or dad and lived with other relatives or maybe you had 2 dad's or 2 mum's, or in other words a family that isn't classed as the 'norm' these family settings are very rarely depicted...so why not have the adults on a cartoon be called by their names rather than a title that we give ourselves? it seems the older we get the less we have an open mind. As for pando not wearing trousers....we all know 1 kid who doesn't like to get dressed and feels free not wearing shorts/ trousers....( i know adults who come home from work and take off their trousers and roam around the house in boxers even when visitors pop round) just to point out in 1 episode you see Pando arrive at Bings house fully clothed and he removes his trousers. it's a cartoon it's not real life if all cartoons were ment to depict real life I would be screwed having grown up with tom and jerry loony toons etc all depict mindless violence with no consequence.
ReplyDeleteYou must be fun at parties, provided you get invited.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy 6yr old daughter and I love to make fun of this show, typically the tedious epilogue bit. Example: "Flop made me a hot chocolate, but it was too hot and I burnted my tongue! So then we waited for it to cool, but then it was too cold, and I was sad! So Flop heated it up again in the microwave a little bit and it was just right! - Being a fussy sook, it's a Bing thing!"
ReplyDeleteYes! Yes!! Yes!!! God my wife and I hate Bing.
ReplyDeleteThese comments are hilarious, I googled “bing is so annoying” to see if anybody else had the same thought! He is such a brat.... I just watched an episode where he was pratting about & accidentally threw his carrot in the blender & didn’t realise until it was turned on and his carrot was being chewed up, in the wrap-up at the end he said “and then Brenda the blender took my carrot and that was naughty” why is that naughty?! It was his own fault, why are we teaching kids that consequences are naughty instead of the behaviour that possibly caused it in the first place?! Absolute shit show.
ReplyDeleteBrenda the blender 🤣
DeleteI look forward to the episode where bing contracts myxomatosis or Elmer Fudd rocks up and shoots him. Insufferable little cock. What irks me the most is that all of the bing things are literally everyone's thing. Breathing, it's a bing thing. I wish it wasnt.
Rabbit season!
DeleteThank fuck it's not just me. I was just sitting here debating about buying a Bing teddy to use as his Voodoo doll. (That's how bad it's got)
ReplyDeleteGlad I found a webpage where I could vent my spleen about this terrible animation!
ReplyDeleteEvery episode is about a black rabbit wrecking somebody else's toys, killing something or just plain screwing something up, usually at the expense of others. His endlessly patient friends should have disowned him ages ago for being a whiny, selfish lump that's destructive and dangerous to be around!
And that stupid knitted turd of a mentor of his is just as irritating with his "good for yous" and his "It's a Bing thing".
All episodes start with the same scene so watching it on iPlayer is one excruciatingly long groundhog day of Bing screwing up, learning a lesson before screwing up again.
I hate this show very much!
I can't tell enough how much l hate this morbid little evil who turned my lovely articulate 4 years who speaks 3 languages and never watched rhis before into a whining mean monster to his little sister..Fireeeeeeee Bing zombie out our life forever !!!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree, he's a whiny, selfish, naughty little mushy pea. My son is 19 months and if the Bing character was a real kid, he wouldn't last 5 seconds with him.
ReplyDeleteI think its pathetic how you adults turn an innocent childrens programme into something sick... goes to show you lost your your innocence... i didn't think anything of it... my 2 year old loves bing... i think it very creative animation... and bing has taught my little one to share... and be kind... immature adults wouldn't understand that... if dont like it dont put it on for your child then... you are a pathetic bunch!
ReplyDeleteMaybe we're not all as selfish as you and stop out kids watching shows because we don't like them ourselves?
DeleteEveryone here who has had a joke and a vent has said their kids love it. Which is why they put it on.
Doesn't mean they have to like it. I've personally found these comments highly entertaining and makes me feel better I'm not the only one who can't stand it. Now when it comes in I'll remember all these funny comments and I'll feel better.
But then I'm a pathetic human.
I just cannot get my head round how flop uses those oven gloves...they are about 30 times the size of his pathetic twig arms. I get so much pleasure from watching pando kick bing when on the swing. TAKE THAT YOU WHINING LITTLE COCK SUCKER!!!
ReplyDeleteHow do the BBC get away with broadcasting bing. I hate bing with a passion, so much so I have to tell my son I don't like it and he can't watch it when I'm around. That spoilt little shit bing pisses me off. The BBC are not teachibg our children to speak properly with this show or behave properly. It shoukd be AXED
ReplyDeleteThis is absolute gold...!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBing has now been banned in this household - when our 2 y/o asks for Bing, we’ve taken to telling him that Nanny put Bing in a pie.
I've just watched an episode where Bing breaks flop's phone and hides it in the bin and then lies about where the phone is. He pathetically cowers under a blanket as if this tea towel of a carer could beat him to a pulp. In the end, flop finds the phone and says 'it's ok it still works, I'll get the screen fixed.' No consequences at all!
ReplyDeleteI've just watched an episode where Bing breaks flop's phone and hides it in the bin and then lies about where the phone is. He pathetically cowers under a blanket as if this tea towel of a carer could beat him to a pulp. In the end, flop finds the phone and says 'it's ok it still works, I'll get the screen fixed.' No consequences at all!
ReplyDeleteI've just watched an episode where Bing breaks flop's phone and hides it in the bin and then lies about where the phone is. He pathetically cowers under a blanket as if this tea towel of a carer could beat him to a pulp. In the end, flop finds the phone and says 'it's ok it still works, I'll get the screen fixed.' No consequences at all!
ReplyDeleteToday the little shit fell and broke a drum all because he could not wait, get this 4 legged tragedy into a stew
ReplyDeleteLove this!! Hate Bing!
ReplyDeleteBing is banned from our house.
Ever since my almost 3yr old started watching this thing more regularly, her behavior STINKS!!!
I've witnessed her behaviour change overnight, and it's definitely not for the better.
My daughter is very sensitive to what's going on around her, and she's also very influenced by different things (as I'm sure all children are at this age).
Since watching this tripe, she's petrified of climbing frames and heights (worked very hard to eradicate this behavior, now we've stopped watching this whining little turd! And thankfully, she's kind of over it now).
My daughter also keeps repeating "don't want to" and hiding under cushions.
She does this silly sighing/moaning noise constantly (don't really know how to describe it), sounding exactly the same as this little whatever of a bunny, and it's only started since she has been watching Bing.
Don't even get me started on the sneezing episode (makes my brain scream!!), or the fact that nobody (not even the almighty Flop) corrects Bing, when he doesn't use proper English!
In my opinion, this program is not even slightly educational, nor does it teach children how to deal with any kind of situation!
I've actually signed a petition for CBeebies to get rid of this total rubbish forever. Thing is, a lot of people are blind, and think this kind of Bing behavior is:
1 - normal and 2 - acceptable
I get that people will say, "just don't watch it then", but then it makes me wonder about their children being influenced by such intolerable drivel (I know I shouldn't care about anyone else's children, but remember, they are our future!).
But then, I guess it also helps me to understand why most children these days are as insensitive, careless, selfish, spoilt and spiteful as they are.
Each to their own and all that jazz, but Bing shall never 'grace' our daughters eyes ever again! And, in time, we hope to get her back to the sweet, kind and confident little person that she once was! :)
Give me 'Hey Duggee' any day!
YES! It really is awful, he's such a little twat. He is naughty and then whines about how he was sad. If your child is getting something from this you are clearly doing a bad job as a parent as he's a right little shit who no child should be emulating. I will gladly sign any petition to rid him from the world!
ReplyDeleteThe worst episode is when bing waiting for his turn on swing while pando is on it and dont want to leave even though he supposed to after counting to 10. Bing finally wants to stop him and is kicked but that stupid "kid". And than flop, pandos guardian and pando are all surprised about what he did (like it's not pando fault and his stupid guardian who swing him like and idiot even though already his time was up), and asking bing: why would u do that bing?!?? It was wrong! What a stupid cartoon, it's off since I know it make my kid being an idiot especially when is right! THANK YOU ;-)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this thread, I'm so glad it's not just me.
ReplyDeleteMy wife is convinced that I have major issues and worries that I am going to go up the Woods, catch a rabbit, dress it in red dungarees and torcher it, in a slow but painful manner.
Today’s episode.. bing buys a friend a toy but then gets upset cause he wants it.... then end.... cry’s like a bitch, it’s a bing thing
ReplyDeleteToday’s episode.. bing buys a friend a toy but then gets upset cause he wants it.... then end.... cry’s like a bitch, it’s a bing thing
ReplyDeleteToday’s episode.. bing buys a friend a toy but then gets upset cause he wants it.... then end.... cry’s like a bitch, it’s a bing thing
ReplyDeleteToday’s episode, bing frightened baby Charlie and then got upset because baby was scared of his idiotic behaviour, what a arsehole bing is... the end
ReplyDeleteToday’s episode, bing frightened baby Charlie and then got upset because baby was scared of his idiotic behaviour, what a arsehole bing is... the end
ReplyDeleteI also hate Bing. Imagine breaking ur relatives phone and he says its all right. Oh my fucking days Flop FUCKING SLAP HIM UP so he shits himself to death. I mean why the fuck does ET love it? Its one of those shows where the protagonist is naughty and he gets away with everything like for example, peppa pig (fuck that little porky bitch) waffle the wonder dog and what else. Octonauts hey duggee and ben and holly are good i recomend it for ur kids
ReplyDeleteMy son watches it I find it one out of 2 programs he watches seriously annoying as it goes up there with Peppa pig. I sonetime think when bing gets angry and doesn't get his own way, Flop turns up to see what the fuss about and Bing grabs Flop and beats the crap out of Zula or Pando because what is hell is flop anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt teaches kids wrong things how to speak, to react, to actually Lie it's not a program for kids. Even if at the end he gets dragged on screen and gets told to admit what happened and that's ok move on... No it's not.
It annoys me as I'm a man of the 80s 90s cartoons back then really had something going didn't do me no harm and I learned from them as well from my parents.
I'm sat here right now having some morning cartoons before nursery and this little shit just cussed out a baby for colouring.
ReplyDeleteBeing needs to be stopped
4 years later and I still want to put the cunt in a stew
ReplyDeleteStew would taste bitter, would be more fitting to skin the little fuck alive and watch him suffer, occasionally throwing handfuls of salt over him
DeleteBing offends me everytime his show comes on. I always switch off, terrified that my child may learn to speak in his annoying, obnoxious whine. He whines all the time!
ReplyDeleteIf you get offended you're just as bad as bing, a whining, little snowflake pussy.
DeleteI can't believe it's still on air right now.. So I went back to check what the schedule was on Cbeebies for this Monday and there were 6 EPISODES OF BING IN JUST A DAY! 4 in the morning & 2 in the afternoon. They could have definitely brang back some much better programmes for children that were actually 'fun' to watch instead of wasting up the space on just one crap programme.. Come on BBC, half of the stuff I have seen on Cbeebies that there are quite a few programmes that just no one wants to watch so just use your common sense and bring them back! I know that it does depend on the licensing for the shows and stuff but come on, it's for the children and it doesn't matter how old it is.. Also these new drama series really piss me off like Apple Tree House.. It was alot better back in 2012 without Bing..
ReplyDeleteI get that bing is annoying but all my kids have enjoyed watching him.
ReplyDeleteCoco she pisses me right off she always goads him and bullies him and acts like the innocent party they should kill her off in a bike accident it'll be the best episode ever Coco dying in a bike accident its a bing thing. Sulu is the same she sulks all the time and bullies him actually so is pando all 3 are irritating bullies, I would cut all 3 of them little shits out of my kids life.
"Coco dying in a bike accident, its a bing thing", 🤣🤣🤣 that shits funny
DeleteI don't know who's fucking worse? Bing, coco or that retard pando. Bing is the biggest pussy I've ever seen, who bitches about everything and everyone. Coco is a spoiled little bitch who wants her fucking way all the time and thinks she is so entitled. Or that retard pando he is a cocksucker who loves taking his clothes off. We basically have a child's version of a snowflake, a megalomaniac and a fucking future rapist/pedo. Who ever came up with this shit needs their skin flayed of his torso and their throats cut. What ever happened to cartoons like the ninja turtles, thundsrcats, transformers, etc. Those cartoons raised you to be strong, bing and rara teaches our kids to be annoying, weak little girls who complain all the time. I hope the creators of those shows die a slow painful death.
ReplyDeleteHi. Great post. Totally agree with the main points raised. My theory on Bing bunny is that both his parents are bankers/other Eton bully boy job and flop is the nanny. Explains the bratish behaviour and the selfish neediness of the spoilt main character. Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteI can't stand the little whiney fuck. When something goes wrong he cries till he gets his own way.